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5 Tips for wearing red (or any dark) lipstick


Updated: Jul 6, 2018

Whenever I wear a dark shade of lipstick I always get a little nervous that it will go on my teeth, or that it will "bleed", or that something crazy is gonna happen and I will end up looking like a fugitive clown LOL. No offence to clowns or fugitives, but if it's not Halloween why would I want to look like that? Anyways, I put together 5 tips to avoid that sad, sad ending.

TIP 1: EXFOLIATE Before you start anything, exfoliate your lips. That's probably one of the most neglected things. We care for exfoliating everything -literally everything- but for some reason we forget our lips. The lipstick will settle better and this will help avoiding "lumpy" product.

TIP 2: MOISTURIZE Ok, this one I can't really explain why, but I've noticed darker lipsticks leave my lips with a dry feeling.

TIP 3: APPLY YOUR LIPSTICK First you apply it, then you tap it with a facial tissue, then apply it again.

TIP 4: APPLY LINER AFTER After you applied the lipstick, line your lips with a matching color, this will help fix any possible mistakes you have done. -Unless you overland so much that you ended up with lipstick on your nose. On this case, go back to step #1. HAHA

TIP 5: CONFIDENCE "I don't really wear dark colors because my lips are too thin/thick". First of all, WHO CARES?? Don't limit yourself because of what you think other people may feel or say, put that lipstick on and GO FOR IT! For me, nothing like a good red lipstick to make me feel my best!

* This shade I'm wearing is a matte from MAC, "Barbeque" A36.



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